Cathartic Fall Blends Ambient-Pop and Emotional Depth In Astounding Debut Album ‘Cathartic Fall’

Cathartic Fall, the latest project from acclaimed producer Jeoff Harris, marks a significant shift from his chart-topping pop production roots. With his self-titled debut album, ‘Cathartic Fall’, Harris offers a deeply introspective exploration of ambient pop that is as emotionally cathartic as it is sonically captivating.
The album opens with ‘Before The Fall’, an instrumental piece that sets the tone for the rest of the record. Its ethereal soundscapes immediately pull the listener into a world where emotions are stirred and respected, and introspection is not just encouraged but required. The music’s meditative quality invites a contemplative state; a state that is important to Cathartic Fall’s ethos. As Jeoff Harris explains,
“Cathartic Fall is about surrender. It’s about letting go of control and realising that your deepest feelings aren’t something to run away from. Your deepest feelings give you context for what matters to you—they are who you really are”.
Across the album’s twelve tracks, Harris expertly blends elements of ambient, pop, and alternative genres. Songs like ‘Strong As Death’ and ‘Just This’ are perfect examples of his ability to build rich, textured layers that swell into powerful crescendos, only to dissolve into moments of haunting silence. In ‘Strong As Death,’ the slow, deliberate pacing invites the listener into an immersive soundscape, where delicate synths gradually give way to swirling, dense layers of ambient noise. ‘Just This’ takes a similar approach, with atmospheric pads and distant, reverb-heavy harmonies floating in and out of the soundscape. These tracks evoke a sense of melancholy and release, mirroring the album’s overarching themes of emotional catharsis and self-exploration.


Amidst the ambient and meditative pieces, Harris’ pop sensibilities shine through. Tracks like ‘Where The Wind Blows’ and ‘I Wouldn’t Change A Thing’ showcase his knack for crafting catchy hooks, a craft that Jeoff Harris has clearly honed when producing viral hits, including Madelline’s ‘I’m Only Here for the Beat’, Twice’s Billboard 200 chart-topping ‘With YOU-th, and Royal & The Serpent’s ‘Overwhelmed’. Whilst his pop background is sewn into the fabric of Cathartic Fall, these songs never stray far from the album’s introspective core, proving that pop music can be both commercially appealing and emotionally profound.
Harris doesn’t shy away from vulnerability either, in fact, he boldly leans in, particularly in tracks like ‘Breathe’, ‘Slow Me Down’ and the previously released single ‘Ocean.’ These songs, with their balladic structures and unwaveringly vulnerable lyrics, are powerful moments in the album. They feel almost like love letters to meditation and mindfulness; “Just be in your body, see through your eyes, just feel your beating heart and breathe” sings Jeoff in ‘Breathe’. Emphasising the poignant message in these songs and, well, the whole album, is the stunning sonic arrangements that rise and fall behind the words. It’s hard not to let your emotions ride the wave when the crescendos rise up to meet you.
The album’s closer, ‘Angel,’ is a standout of the whole album. ‘Angel’ was released as a single in 2021,  and this a cappella re-work of the single is stunning. It leaves you with a sense of closure as if you have been on a journey through the depths of Cathartic Fall’s introspective landscape and have come out the other side, not unscathed but certainly more self-aware.
‘Cathartic Fall’ isn’t just an album; it’s an invitation to let go of your inhibitions, dive into your deepest emotions, and find solace in the shared human experience. In a world that often encourages emotional suppression, this album is a great reminder that true healing comes from acknowledging and embracing our feelings, no matter how uncomfortable they may be. Cathartic Fall’s self-titled debut stands out as a deeply personal and profoundly moving work of art. Cathartic Fall is a listen that is as much about the journey as it is about the destination, and in doing so, Jeoff Harris has created a sonic space where listeners can find not only beautiful music but also a deeper understanding of themselves.
Listen To Cathartic Fall on SPOTIFY | APPLE MUSIC