When struck by a family tragedy in 2013, Floridian singer-songwriter Day Joy found himself withdrawing from music. Now, after a hiatus of nearly six years, Day Joy, real name Michael Serrin, has returned to music with his latest track ‘White’.
From the jump, the track feels reminiscent of “jangle pop” – a sound popularised in the late 1950s and early ’60s and often coupled with lyrics associated love, longing and romance. For ‘White’, however, the sound is where the similarities to jangle pop end, as the airy, dreamscape of sound is punctured by Serrin’s heavenly voice delivering hard-hitting lyrics about race, religion and sexuality. This track certainly warrants a few listens in order to grasp the juxtaposition between the luminous sound and dark subject matter.
‘White’ will feature as one of the songs on Day Joy’s forthcoming second album Great Satan, Mass Appeal.
On his return to music, Serrin said: “It’s taken me a while to pick up the pieces and the album chronicling the past five years is expectedly dark. However, I do think those who have been to the brink will find some value in the lyrics and peace in the instrumentation. At least, that is my goal.”
Listen to ‘White’ below.