For many people, stories of unsuspecting but upstanding young men being caught in the crossfire of mob violence is just the plot of a movie, but for Sammy Sadler it was reality. Saldler had unknowingly walked into something he might never understand, alongside his close friend Kevin Hughes. The pair was gunned down on Nashville’s famous Music Row, and Hughes later died of his injuries. Miraculously, Sammy was able to survive a near-fatal laceration to his and artery in his shoulder, and he still carries the bullet today. With the rumors circulating around his involvement in the crime, Sammy Sadler truly thought his career as a country star was over before it even began.
Despite all the tragedy he suffered, Sadler is still determined to follow his passion for music and create a cool and catchy song focused on his infectious positive attitude. Starting with an introduction that is reminiscent of a cool breeze, the guitar and vocals lull the listener into an encouraging message of perseverance. The drums are softly tapping behind the rest of the instrumental track, as it slowly gives the audience a beat to dance to. The melody is relaxing, but shows off Sadler’s vocal prowess as he easily maneuvers through the notes. Towards the end of the single, a guitar solo pulls the listener out of the repeating melody to jam out and finish the song as strong as it started.
Sammy keeps his positive spirit throughout the piece and there is no better example of this than his lyrics. Lines like “Everything is gonna be alright./I can see the future shining bright./Just when things get tight,/it’s no time to lose heart.” These lyrics further emphasize how Sadler can overcome many of the obstacles in his way. When discussing his career, he has said “Even if no one in Nashville gives me a chance…I’m going to sing… I never wanted to blow the whistle on payoffs or shine the light on any scandal. I just wanted to sing. That’s ALL I’ve EVER wanted to do.” Nothing can be more clear than this when looking at his new song all about positivity.