‘Disoriented Men’ instantly captivates with contemporary melodies, Ric & Maff then keep us locked in with powerful vocals

Fade in: a smoky live music venue in the heart of Bangkok.

Rorchasch Ric & Maffmatix are about to meet for the first time.

Ric and his band Face Jackson had just played and Maff (a producer and member of Rock Shreller at the time) was there with his crew.

After the show, they all met and Ric & Maff got on like a house on fire.

After it was determined that they each had a mutual appreciation of hip-hop (both as fans and lyricists themselves) they eventually dropped their debut album in 2025 ‘The Golden Bell.

‘Disoriented Men’ is track six from the album and instantly captivates with contemporary synth melodies, then Ric & Maff keep us locked in with powerful hip hop vocals.

Their lyrical skills keep us hooked throughout as they throw incredible verses our way.

