Getting to Know: Denel

Hey Denel, welcome to Music Crowns! How are you doing today?

Doing amazing thank you! Honestly cant complain. Thanks for having me!


Sum up your sound for us in three words?

Experimental, pop, urban. Tell us all about your new single ‘Crossroads’! I wrote and produced this track last year in August and was inspired by events at the time and what I was feeling. Really wanted this track to have solid depth and meaning and even leave some ideas open to interpretation for the listener.


What was the recording and writing process like for this one?

Basically the process was in the home studio. This track came together pretty organically with me coming up with the beat itself and then going through the process of coming up with melodies and getting lyrical ideas down. From there it was tracking the vocals and then sending everything off to get mix and mastered. All in all I’m stoked with the final outcome.


Where are you from and what are your favourite things to do there?

I’m from New Zealand and also known as Aotearoa in our ethnic language ‘Maori’. Its a beautiful place. So much to see and experience. Im originally from South Africa but moved here with my family when I was 5. Its for sure home.


Your sound is very genre blending and quite transcendent, was this your aim when creating your music and sound?

Absolutely! I love the idea of breaking down genre barriers and experimenting with different elements and ideas that cross those boundaries. I really feel like ‘Crossroads’ is a byproduct of that exactly.


And lastly, what is next for Denel in 2023?

I’ve got a music video on the way for ‘Crossroads’ coming at the start of the new year. Also got a stack of tracks lined up as well. Pretty excited to be releasing new music and see what the response will be like.