Raindear is an electronic pop artist based in Sweden. Her third album ‘Majestically Mad’ is a pop-infused masterpiece, full of beautifully quirky touches and songs that stand out from the crowd. Lead single ‘Never Let Go’ explores the length and no boundaries approach to what we call pop music, with sumptuous textural soundscapes that transcend beyond the norm. We sat down with this multitalented artist, producer and singer-songwriter to discuss the new album, new horizons and to introduce you to a new artist here at Music Crowns. Check it out below.

Hey Raindear! How are you doing?

I have a cold and can’t breath through my nose but other than that I’m pretty good. 


Where did your artist name originate from?

Way back in 2013 I was thinking about different ways to use the word ”rain” and then suddenly this just came to me. It’s a game of words that means I’m ”someone’s dear when it pours”.


How did you first discover an interest in music?

I’m from a family of professional musicians so music was always there. I started singing and talking at the same time. I started to write my own songs at the age of four. 


How did that interest become a passion and eventually a career path?

I honestly think I was always meant to do this. It hasn’t really been an active choice. I’m just some kind of natural force that can’t stop trying to express myself through music. Sometimes I think it’s easier to express myself this way than with words.


How would you define the essence of your style?

It’s monumental, majestic, melodic, psychedelic at times, spiritual at times, powerful and catchy. Pretty unique if I may say so myself. 


Your third album ‘Majestically Mad’ is out now, how are you feeling about it?

I feel proud and a bit sad that it’s the end of a journey. I’m also impressed by myself for even finishing it cause I was about to give up many times during the process. 


What is the captivating lead single ‘Never Let Go’ about?

First of all the phrase ”never let go” is not sung in a romantic way as many might think, it’s sung in a sarcastic way. The song is about the difficulty of being a victim to your own avoidant and insecure attachment style, combined with “kick seeking” personality, and how this always makes you feel trapped and unsettled in most relationships and situationships. 


Why do you make music?

It’s communication. I feel trapped in my body if I don’t. I can’t not do it.


What do you want this album to say about you as an artist?

That I stand for real emotions and a sonic parallel universe that not everyone will have access to. The ones that get it, get it. As a producer and artist, I don’t need to prove anything anymore.


And finally, are there any plans to tour the album in Sweden?

I’ve already been touring this a bit the last few months, and I’ve given sneak peeks of the album at every gig. I recently had a packed release party in a rooftop glass house in Stockholm. Next week I have my grand finale at Babel in Malmö, Sweden. After that I hope some gigs are gonna come to me. I’m gonna sit back and let it happen.


Stream the album in full here: