Q&A with producer Purple Tones around the release of his new EP ‘VISION’

Purple Tones

We got to chat with Chicago-based producer Purple Tones around the release of his new EP ‘VISION’. With this new release, the artist showcases his artistry by blending elements from different genres and cultures. We spoke about the EP, his creative process and upcoming plans.

Hey Purple Tones! Can you start by telling us what’s the story behind your stage name?

Ahhh the magic question… this was something I thought I would never come up with… I would like to preface this by saying I had been on an epic journey the year prior to the launch of this project and was going on this “gut feeling” that I just let guide me through life. I had felt like I was stuck in a suit that wasn’t for me… so I ended up quitting my corporate job to focus on what truly makes me happy and feel fulfilled. Making music. Along this journey I learned the term “synchronicity” , as I consistently saw the number “2” and “222” everywhere…Now normally I would just consider these all coincidences but as I listened to myself more and followed this feeling it just kept leading me in the right direction! Fast forward a year later – I was eager to launch this project because with a few tracks finished and anxious to release. For a few months I had brainstormed some Ideas and nothing was flowing, nothing seemed natural or fitting… So here I am, sitting on the couch saying random words like “dark” and “metal” and I have my list of words airstramed to the TV. At this point I feel like i’m just going to give up and can’t come up with a name and then voila…I kid you not.. it’s 2:22pm in the afternoon and I see two words adjacent to each other… “Purple Tones” , and from there I knew that this journey was going to be special, and important.


Congratulations on the release of your latest EP ‘VISION’. What’s the inspiration behind it and how it represents your unique sound and artistry?

When I make and listen to music.. I see it. What I mean is I create almost like a movie or moment in my head when I hear music.   This is a sequel to my track METRA – which is actually the name of a train in Chicago… I imagined METRA being a train ride to an unknown destination and as the traveler departs the train, they enter their destination — The Untitled Supper Club * cue the track *. We are opened with a vocal that says “I’d like to say thank you for joining us this evening, the boys and I have one more number we’d like to play for you”. As the EP unfolds it takes you through a sonic journey. I wanted to make this EP approachable wether you wanted to listen to something to dance to— or something to cry to or just hang out and vibe to and go for a drive with all the windows down. 

I could not give you specific inspirations as it truly is just a work that came from my heart. I really put a lot of attention to detail in every track, from the vocal samples and the sonic textures, it all had a reason and if you pay close attention to my music, you can hear and see where I draw my inspiration from! It is supposed to sound familiar, yet different. Those who know, will know, and to you all… I hope you enjoy my take on it *wink wink*

I want to combine my experiences and style with my love for electronic music, and that’s why I am presenting to you, the VISION EP.


How did you approach creating this immersive experience and what was your creative process like in crafting the tracks “Untitled Supper Club” and “METRA”?

When I made METRA, I knew I wanted the song to be almost like an introduction to the project, I am in love with the Juno synthesizer, which is where the main melody and break come from. I had just came back from Greece and was really into the “Afterlife/Tale of Us” sound.. And when I started the EP I knew I wanted it to flow right from METRA almost seemless.. There was a LOT of different versions to Untitled Supper Club and a LOT of time sound designing, bevause I wanted to develop my “sound”. I just went with the flow and finally was happy with the final results! Personally I tell all my friends to carve out 40 minutes to listen to these songs because they’re meant to be played all in a row with no interruptions, and gives a little bit of extra time to reflect and really soak in the emotions.


The final track, “E*** Woman”, is said to be inspired by a personal experience. Can you share more about the story behind this track and how it captures the essence of your connection with your partner?

“E*** Woman started by me trying to make a song for my partner to express my feelings for her. I find that when I make music I put my feelings into it in hopes for the listeners to feel what I am feeling and trying to evoke. I had sampled something my partner absolutely loved, that track reminds her of her family, so I wanted to put my take on it. The essence is in the sound. When I listen to that song it really makes me feel something inside that’s indescribable.. It’s just something beautiful I wanted to share with the world. 


What’s coming next for you?

I have tons of new music on the way, a lot of stuff happening behind the scenes I cannot share yet, and just know that you can expect new music from me every month this year, I am so excited to share this journey with everyone! I’ll say this, the next release is very 4 on the floor focused and sound really nice in the club!! Fear not, there are many more “vibey” tracks coming as well, it’s just all in due time. One thing I’ve learned is patience, and that’s something listeners will have to practice with me haha!