Alejandra is a fantastically self-aware Mexican American neo-soul RnB singer-songwriter who hails from Atlanta, Georgia.
“This is the latest instalment in my genre-bending discography, which aims to bridge communities together through the perspectives of a bicultural lens. The song is a lush, ethereal house track that explores the interconnectedness of this world and the power that can be harnessed through raising individual vibration. The song uplifts the listener in love and freedom by curating a dream world for people to experience the sensations of the divine forces circulating through their physical environments.” ~ Alejandra
Getting lost in her gorgeous voice is so easy. Alejandra is in enticing form and shall hold your hand rather splendidly on the people look like flowers (at last). She seems to possess so much authentic grace, which shall take our hearts into a happier place.
the people look like flowers (at last) from Mexican American neo-soul RnB singer-songwriter Alejandra is a radiantly calming song to feel alive with again. Lucious vocals and mellow energy awaits us all, in a time when the world needs all the love imaginable. Crisp in nature and glorious in all aspects, this is a top tier effort in any generation.
Hear this fine new song on Spotify and see more via her IG.
Reviewed by Lu