London-based duo Lost Romantic, known for their indie-rock/alt-pop style, has recently unveiled their latest single, “Bad Intentions.” The track was skillfully mixed by George Perks, renowned for his work with Enter Shikari and You Me at Six, and is being distributed through Sony Germany. Despite their relatively short time together as a duo, forming just last year, frontman Freddie Long and drummer Kieran Leigh are already making a significant impact in the music industry with their unique blend of sounds.
“Bad Intentions,” continues to showcase their distinctive style. It combines elements of alternative indie-rock with dark pop sensibilities, resulting in an infectious and energetic track. The song features catchy rock riffs, impactful drum beats, and Long’s emotionally charged vocals, delivering a punchy and anthemic experience, centred around the thrill of living on the edge.
Lost Romantic provides further insight into the meaning behind the song, stating, “Bad Intentions is about flirting with danger, enjoying it, and embracing the cycle once again.”
Since their debut single release in September 2022, Lost Romantic has been steadily gaining momentum. They have garnered support from influential platforms such as BBC Radio 1’s Introducing Rock Show and BBC Introducing South. Known for their dynamic stage performances, the duo has already sold out two headline shows in London and has also performed at notable events like Lollapalooza Berlin and The Great Escape. Their talent was recognised at a showcase show held at Sony Germany HQ, which led to a distribution deal. MTV has also tipped them as “ONE’S TO WATCH,” and it’s evident why fans are captivated by their music.
“Bad Intentions,” their latest release, gives fans a taste of what to expect from their highly anticipated debut album, titled “LOVEXHATE,” set to be released later this year. With numerous upcoming shows planned, including a single launch at the renowned Dublin Castle in Camden on July 12th, 2023 is shaping up to be a breakthrough year for Lost Romantic.