B.A.R.O.N.S unveils the feverish new track ‘Asleep At The Wheel’

Teasing his debut album Le Creme De La Meme, B.A.R.O.N.S, who was formerly known as Greene, has unveiled a new single, ‘Asleep At The Wheel.’ B.A.R.O.N.S takes an unsolicited look at humanity, using sound and an appropriate amount of fury to showcase the chaos and unsettlement of the world around her.

Pulsating, roguish synthesisers take up the bass tones of the new track, eating away at the bottom of the song with a feverish intention. Above, a mixture of electronic shrieks, side-swiping noise, filters, and the occasional ground-scorching vocal.

Through an unstoppable design, it’s futuristic, climactic and intensifying as a mix of sonic intentions. It takes influence from the soundtrack of DOOM, which is exactly what drives the raw, hellish feel deep beneath the surface.

B.A.R.O.N.S explains, “Four years ago, I came back from an operation where I went without cell service and human contact for six months straight. I was in a completely different place with people who either loved you or hated you. Afterwards, I went to Hawaii to spend some time with my family. During my time there, I walked into a shopping mall where I found it crazy that people were paying $300 for a pair of sunglasses… Where I’d just come back from was a place where people, maimed by bullets, mud, sweat, & tears, were just happy to have a hat.”

Listen to the track here…