Bri Carter releases her debut self produced album ‘I CAN’T LOOK AWAY’

About Bri Carter
Bri Carter is a genre-blending artist based in New York, driven by a desire to carve out her own unique space in the music world. In August 2023, she embarked on an ambitious journey of self-taught music production, culminating in her debut album, I Can’t Look Away. This 10-track album dives deep into the feelings of love, lust, and betrayal, ending in the nostalgic feeling that something amazing is right around the corner. I Can’t Look Away showcases Bri’s versatility and creativity as a songwriter touching multiple genres from pop rock to hip-hop with drops of hyperpop. To celebrate the release of her debut album, Bri is hitting the road on her debut East Coast tour stopping in Boston, New York City, and Philadelphia. Bri’s journey started with a sense of not quite fitting in, now she has transformed her life in unimaginable ways creating a space for not only her but people that resonate with her music. With a dedicated following and a cult fan base of over 50,000 on TikTok, Bri Carter has built a strong foundation and proven time and time again that she is here to stay.

About ‘i wish i loved u first’ from I CAN’T LOOK AWAY
When speaking on ‘i wish i loved u first’ Bri says, “I don’t write love songs…like at all. As a scorpio I think I’m definitely in touch with my darker emotions (if you believe in astrology) and maybe, just maybe I thrive off of sadness because it’s the perfect inspiration for my art. BUT I finally found someone who inspired me to write a love song.”

‘i wish i loved u first’ is about wishing you met someone earlier in life – before giving your time to anybody else because it just feels like a waste when you could have been spending it with this person instead. Maybe I am pessimistic, and maybe I am happy that I’ve been through the heartbreak because my music wouldn’t be the same without it, but I would take it all back for this person…because I wish I loved them first.

“I simultaneously lost myself and found myself while making this album, and I think the listener can hear back and forth battle I have with my emotions throughout the project. Highs followed by lows and lows followed by highs, but that’s what makes it real.”

Add ‘i wish i loved u first’ to your playlists on Spotify and Apple Music.

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