Casey Carmichael shares graceful track ‘Little Birds’

Casey Carmichael hails from Columbia, South Carolina, from which his emphatic folk sound grew. Picking up the guitar at a young age and allowing it to captivate his attention, Casey went on to graduate from Berklee College of Music, after which settling in on his raw, warm sound.

For his latest release, ‘Little Birds’, Casey speaks in gorgeous poetry about his young daughter. He brings the authentic natural beauty of parenthood to the forefront of his writing, building a foundation on acoustic folk pluckiness and lacing it with bright keys and electric guitars.

His vocals are genuine, rich and mellow, turning the track into a contemporary lullaby. Casey is always one for bringing a purity of love into his music, but ‘Little Birds’ is some of his most emotive writing, telling the story with a sense of grace and duty.

Casey explains the song’s heartwarming origins, This song was inspired by our two-year-old daughter. She was only three months old when I wrote it, but I was already fearful of her growing up too fast. But since then it has been beautiful watching her learn and grow. She has all that she needs inside of her to spread her wings; my wife and I are so proud to be her parents.”

Listen to ‘Little Birds’ here: