Chris Ostler, an English singer-songwriter, has recently released his vibrant new single titled ‘Funk In The Trunk’. Renowned for his diverse musical style, Chris skillfully blends elements of Pop/Rock with country and funk influences, resulting in captivating tracks that brim with emotion and vigour. Chris, who proudly identifies as neurodivergent, utilises his music to make a positive impact and assist others. In fact, his autism serves to enhance his songwriting and performance abilities.
‘Funk In The Trunk’ serves as a genuine celebration of individuality and creativity, encouraging listeners to break free from societal conventions and forge their own unique paths, all while embracing enjoyment and fun. The song holds personal significance for Chris, as it was inspired by his own experiences. Despite his love for festivities, Chris often found it challenging to connect with and fit into specific social groups with their established “rules,” “expectations,” and unwritten sub-cultures. Expanding on this, Chris explains, “I frequently felt out of place. So, I decided to create my own culture, one that embraces everyone regardless of their identity, appearance, or even dance moves. It’s all about the music, relaxation, fun, and enjoying oneself with others.”
With lively guitar riffs, infectious basslines, and grooving drum patterns complementing Chris Ostler’s dynamic vocal performance, ‘Funk In The Trunk’ successfully embodies the party atmosphere Chris aims to evoke. The accompanying music video carries forth this theme, featuring Chris in a homemade robot suit that combines elements of ‘Saturday Night Fever’ and ‘Iron Man’ aesthetics. Chris explains, “I crafted the suit using boxes, glue, and tape, illustrating that you can create something fantastic, look and feel great, and still have a blast! We simply want to celebrate and revel in our uniqueness together. This party can take place anywhere, and everyone is welcome to join in.”