Diego Federico unleashes punchy emotional journey of debut album ‘Heal’

Based in Vienna, Diego Federico is an Italian-born, moving to Austria to nurture his talents at the Performing Centre, refining his diverse tastes across music, dance, make-up and fashion. Participating in Starmania kickstarted his music career, leading to the release of his first two singles in 2022. Upon the release of his debut album Heal, Diego looks ahead to performances at Pride Cologne and CSD Nürnberg after making a serious impact at Pride Vienna.

A playwright of his personal tragedy, Diego Federico’s Heal is a self-reflective journey of the pains love holds, his sound is crafted as electro-pop cinema, leaning on climactic percussion to create a deep-rooted intensity underneath raw vocal performances. From track one to track eight, Diego completely transforms, starting out as a cold, cynical and aggressive figure, before turning around to become an optimistic, thoughtful person with intentions to heal.

The project’s signature sounds lie in its balance of synths and strings. The string ensembles, ever elegant harness their ability to slide into chords and rise through melodies, taking control of the darker and often punchy synth arrangements. Overall, the project is unquestionably well-executed, building a story out of Diego’s career so far but leaving plenty of doors open for where he might go next as anticipation mounts.

‘Heal’ is out now!