Dread FM releases versatile debut album ‘WHO KILLED THE VIBE?’

Building anticipation around his now-released genre-bending album WHO KILLED THE VIBE?, Dread FM has seen widespread industry support across 2024, lauded by UK press and radio. To add to their prestige, the artist has performed alongside the likes of Slum Village, Fliptrix and Red Snapper, allowing new audiences to feel the push of his intense alternative hip-hop sound.

Across the new album, Flynn Murray, the man behind the dread, delivers unapologetic lyricism, relishing in his own agonised confidence, moulding his flows off-piste rhythmic realms. This constant untethered drag allows Flynn to become all consumed by his distortion-drenched sound, absorbing the metallic percussion, roaring guitar tones and furious counter melodies and spitting them back out at the listener as an intoxicating cocktail.

At the halfway point, an intermission grants us a brand new atmosphere, the difference between ‘Runner’ and ‘What’s Good’ stark. Swapping out sharp tonalities for smooth grooves and brass pulses. This move toward versatility reinvigorates the project, angst becoming soul, rage becoming a moment to observe.

Dread FM explains his debut album in his own words, “WHO KILLED THE VIBE? Is an unapologetically gritty underground sound, each track curated through a virtual radio broadcast.”