easyclear unveils dreamy single ‘Teammate’

Photo by Artemis Szekir-Rigas

easyclear, the solo project of songwriter Luke Deacon is currently teeing up a new EP. Entitled Green, it’s set to be an introspective work, translating the interplay of nature and the digital world into a sonic package.

The latest teaser from the project is ‘Teammate’, a track that wonderfully encapsulates the vision of the wider project to come. There are two sides at play within the track, an intricate and tight pairing of drums and guitar, alongside dreamy vocals and synthesised shimmer.

The warmth, subtlety and shuffling movement this dichotomy fuels come together to create a sense of alternate reality, one in which the lines between electronic and organic are more blurred than we see in the real world. The indie folk foundations weaves with impressive arrangement and sound design are beautifully harmonised, producing something that’s a little hazy, and really unique.

“Teammate is a song about companionship in its many forms,” Luke shares.” Through sporting references, it espouses the values of trust, commitment and mutual support. Conceived around a fingerpicked classical guitar that gallops through the track, a tight drum groove propels the song forward with attitude while bold synths and tape-manipulated piano evoke a slightly bittersweet world of wet turf, rain and memory.”

Check out ‘Teammate’ below: