Hailing from the Midlands, Eighty Eight Miles are a vibrant, genre-bending collective that will be sure to make an impression. Blending old and new together, the band provide a refreshing take on indie and alternative music. Eighty-Eight Miles have quickly grown a loyal fanbase and amassed nearly 500 monthly listeners on Spotify – and this is sure to grow to much more.
Their latest offering comes in the form of single “Sexy Song.” Featuring playful drums, grooving bass lines and riff-roaring guitars, “Sexy Song” has the perfect musical canvas. Infectious vocals are painted on top, working hand in glove with well-penned lyrics. The track is a textual diverse offering, with stripped-back verse and anthemic choruses.
With their previous single “The Thought of Losing You,” released to critical acclaim, it’s clear the band are placing their mark on the music industry. With an infamous live show and fantastic music, we cannot wait to see what 2023 brings them.