In a captivating narrative akin to the timeless Ouroboros, Paper Anthem begins exactly as it ends. As American singer-songwriter Joseph Hitchcock embarks on a journey of rebirth and metamorphosis, he leaves behind nearly a decade of solo endeavours to embrace a new beginning in London, a city steeped in the indie music of the late noughties that originally ignited his passion.
Joined by an eclectic ensemble of international talents – guitarist Noor Harajli from Brazil, bassist Carlo Haltrich from Romania, and drummer Joe Spoors hailing from Nottingham – Paper Anthem craft a sound that transcends borders and genres.
Their latest single, ‘Coelacanth’, serves as an indie-rock exploration of the intricacies within human relationships. Written during Hitchcock’s sojourn in Seattle’s Chinatown, ‘Coelacanth’ unveils a narrative rich in emotional depth, delving into the complexities of intimacy and vulnerability. Produced by the skilled hands of Danny Monk, the song takes listeners on a surrealistic voyage, reminiscent of the genre’s luminaries such as LCD Soundsystem, Foals, and Bloc Party.
In celebration of their latest release, we caught up with Paper Anthem’s frontman Joseph Hitchcock to delve into the inspirations fuelling this ever-evolving musical venture.
What was the first instrument you fell in love with?
Absolutely piano. I started piano when I was 6. I did not touch a guitar until I was 21. It’s still my favourite instrument, I just wish I could stand up while playing it, but I have such an old-fashioned pianist view of it where, like, if I’m playing piano I have to be sitting down. And keytars are out of the question, sorry.
What was the first band or artist you enjoyed when you were younger?
As a toddler I became obsessed with David Byrne in the Stop Making Sense concert film. I memorised all of his actions and forced my family to watch me ‘perform’.
What was the first album you remember owning?
I was gifted a Hanson CD by one of my grandmothers. I don’t think I ever finished listening to that. I was embarrassed because I had long hair and kinda looked like a member of Hanson.
What is the one song you wished you could have written yourself?
Tom Vek – We Have Sound. Absolutely weird and brilliant and beautiful.
Who are your favourite artists you have found yourself listening to at the moment?
Right now, I’m listening to a lot of Lime Garden, ratbag, Twenty One Pilots, Ben Folds Five… I’m getting back into Death Cab for Cutie again.
If there was any moment in your career you could relive, what would it be?
I’d love to go back to this party in San Francisco in 2016 where Mac DeMarco was eating grapes and kissing a dog but I didn’t speak to him because I was shy. I’m not shy now.
Which artist would you most love to share a stage with?
My favourite band, Foals.
And is there an artist you would love to collaborate with as well?
I’d love to write a song with Gary Lightbody.
What do you find is the most rewarding part about being a musician?
Just, all the money. Just the massive amounts of money we’re constantly being showered in. Overwhelming, really.
And what is the best piece of advice you have received as a musician?
A singer-songwriter named Harry Marshall once told me, “Don’t write albums. Write singles” and I thought that was brilliant. Unfortunately I only write albums so I’m going to keep ignoring his advice.
‘Coelacanth’ is available across all streaming platforms now!