Far Wider unveils soulful second single ‘Wise Girls’

Far Wider recently emerged as a globally spanning music collective, taking their roots from UK rock and soul but expanding their horizons into elements of pop and jazz from around the world. Sparking a wave of recent attention on Facebook, the band are capitalising on this with new music.

Bringing a soulful start with warm bass tones, a steady backbeat and bright guitar melodies, Far Wider’s second outing ‘Wise Girls’ leads the audience through the first verse with sleek vocals and instrumentation. Next, add a sense of bounce with extra energy from the brass and a flute solo the band showcases their ability to break free from genre.

The push and pull of slowed thoughtfulness and rock swaying with energised jazzier sections make for a unique listening experience. The themes lean towards the irony of romance, the double standards of the female experience, but come laced with a whimsical touch to keep the mood light and infectious.

Lead songwriter from Far Wider, Andy Wilson, shares his thoughts on the track, “I remember listening back to Almost Cut My Hair (that old hippy track from Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young) and loving the idea that a guy could change his whole life if he trimmed his flowing locks! So Wise Girls HAD to start with ‘Almost broke a nail’. (Maybe satire isn’t dead after all…)

But it’s no surprise this ‘wise’ woman is a tough cookie: ‘Once I was a snotty kid doing what the good girls did. But they said Hey you’re no good, get back to your own neighbourhood’ So give her a break…!”

Check out ‘Wise Girls’ here…