Female Made Single “Ash + Bone” Fearlessly Confronts Gender Inequality In The Music Industry

Ash + Bone” is a mesmerizing roots track empowering female music industry professionals to cut through patriarchal barriers with an inspiring female-led production process and angelic three part harmony.

Artists Ajeet, Sukhmani, and Aisling Urwin come together to create a captivating display of unity and empowerment in their exclusively female-made track “Ash + Bone” out now. Made by women for women, this track encourages females to embrace their inner wildness, and in doing so, to feel free, alive, and powerful. Written by Ajeet, Sukhmani, and Aisling Urwin, the trio combined their talents to create “Ash + Bone.”  Each lends their pristine vocals to decadent three part harmony; Sukhmani finds the heartbeat of the track with her clever percussion, while Urwin and Ajeet embellish the track with vibrant harmony from the harp and guitar. Ajeet – a renowned producer and multi-instrumentalist – produced and engineered this project, and engineer Piper Payne mastered the final product. “Ash + Bone” is a breezy acoustic track caressed by a colorfully kaleidoscopic soundscape.