Fleas provide a growling combination on ‘theywatchmebreak’

Photo by Ana Binks

Garnering awards and support from across the industry, the Suffolk-based hardcore group Fleas has built a reputation for live energy, supporting multiple fellow rising stars and releasing singles since 2019.

Fleas latest single ‘theywatchmebreak’ includes an announcement of their debut album, Imagine If There Was More, and, if this a sign of things to come, count me in. Bringing weighty, metal foundations and lacing them with a raw and unapologetic punk growl, the track is utterly furious.

Dense, urgent and riotous, the distortion-drenched guitar riffs, aggressive drum rhythms and dark bass tones offer up a dynamic backdrop to expressive vocal performance. All that covers a cross-genre influence for a gripping intensity.

On the track and forthcoming album, the band add, “This is our best work yet. We have worked tirelessly to bring about a new era of Fleas, fusing genres and styles of instrumentation to keep the original alt-punk vibe with a significant boost in the hardcore elements.

The album ranges in topics, from mental health, to today’s social climate, and experiences with love and protecting those closest to us.

It was recorded in a very DIY set up, mostly in bedrooms and rehearsal spaces, captured by the wildly talented Alec Jarman; he was instrumental in bringing our vision to life.”

Check out ‘theywatchmebreak’ here…