We sat down with the very talented Sir Winston to find out more about his unique sound after the release of new single ‘Perfectly Numb’. Be sure to follow the artist and check out their new release at the bottom!
If you were to describe your music to a stranger, what would you say?
It’s a hybrid of a lot of styles – electroclash, electropop, indie dance, indie rock. There’s a bloghouse “indiesleaze” revival happening right now – I guess it fits into that. There is a French theme to my latest EP Démons à Combattre and there’s dark elements to it.
What is the message, if any, that you would like to get across with your
Life is a crazy adventure full of twists and turns – you never know what might be around the corner.
If your music was a colour, what would it be and why?
Black as midnight. I tend to always wear black. There is mystique and at times dark elements to the music.
What artist has influenced your songwriting the most?
I met Bob Dylan when I was young and his songwriting I’ve always loved.
Where would be your dream place to play a gig?
I love music festivals and watching Glastonbury the other day I thought, wow – that really would be amazing to play.
If you could write a song with anyone, alive or not, who would it be?
Probably John Lennon – something really meaningful and full of love and hope. He has always been an inspiration to me on many levels. I’m also a big Nick Cave fan and I’d love to work on a song with him too – something dark and epic – not his normal genre, but more my electro/dance style of a track – really brooding but triumphant – lots of lightning and thunder.
What can we expect from you creatively in the next year?
I’m working on remixes for tracks from the album that work into my DJ set – it’s a big focus. I love DJing – I find it a total rush. Turning people on with music has always been my passion. I’ve started writing for a new EP rhat I will make later in the year.
Where can we find you?
Today I’m in Paris – tomorrow never knows.