The core of Lift The Curse consists of two best friends, Ryan Hegefeld and Jon Yadon Jr., who embarked on their musical journey eight years ago. Their unique partnership thrives on the art of songwriting, and together, they’ve struck a harmonious balance in crafting their music. Ryan takes on the roles of lead vocals, guitar, and drums, while Jon lends his talents to guitar, bass, and background vocals. This synergy has given birth to a sound that seamlessly fuses elements of alt-rock choruses, head-banging riffs, ripping solos, and melodic harmonies, all complemented by a visually captivating array of music videos.
Since their inception in April 2022, Lift The Curse has been on a mission to share their music with the world. With two full-length albums already in their catalog, they’re now ready to unleash a wave of new singles, and “Kingsbury” is a shining example of what they have in store.
“Kingsbury” had its humble beginnings as an acoustic version featured on their recent album, “Suffer And Survive” released in June. However, the band had a grander vision for this standout track, and that vision has come to fruition in the form of a full electric version that pulsates with precision and passion. With “Kingsbury”, Lift The Curse invites listeners to take a musical journey deep into the realms of personal nostalgia.
Ryan shares the emotional depth of the song, saying, “The meaning behind the song is about the place where I grew up. A ranch in Texas that has my whole heart forever. I luckily called it home for a long time. I wrote hundreds of songs there, grew up deer hunting, made amazing memories with friends and family. Ultimately it’s my idea of heaven. My place.”
For those fortunate enough to be in San Marcos, Texas on October 30th, Grim Fest presents the perfect opportunity to witness Lift The Curse’s electrifying live performance. It promises to be a night of music that leaves an indelible mark on your soul.