Lois releases emotionally-penned new single “Strong”

Lois has had a whirlwind couple of years. With a huge 2022, and even bigger 2023, she’s certainly taking the global alt pop world by storm. Her distinctive and unique sound pays homage to contemporary influences whilst still. clearly having her own artist mark stamped on her music. Her emotional and soulful sounds have been lauded by fans and tastemakers alike.

Lois is sure to make an impression with her new single “Strong.” “Strong” presents and showcases a more emotional and vulnerable side to Lois. Taking from her upcoming E.P “Strange Men,” the track features a vibrant melting pot of playful drums, understated guitars and angelic backing vocals. As always, her lead vocals shine through, working hand in glove with lyrics that detail the realities of relationships that aren’t what they appear to be on the outside.

Speaking about the single, she says: “This is about being held back by someone who preaches they want the best for you through their soft boy scam. All they want is to be perceived by the world as the ‘perfect person’ when in reality they are far from it. It’s also about trusting yourself, being self assured, finding your strength and calling out bad behaviour.

With the likes of Radio 1, Clash, Louder than War and Clout all offering their full support, Lois has clearly impressed, and we cannot wait to see where she’ll take this.