‘Night Drive’ shimmers with radiating synth melodies, catchy instrumental hooks and vibrant vocals from Carson Hoy

Canadian pop artist Carson Hoy channels his experiences in small town Cloverdale into dreamy synth melodies with relatable lyrics and meticulous production, all crafted in a bedroom studio.

Confused by conflicting opinions of those around him, a trusted friend’s single word ‘Enigmatic,’ resonated deeply, becoming the title of his debut album.

Released on Friday 30th August 2024, ‘Enigmatic’ is a nine-song synth pop dreamscape, tracing his romantic journey from fleeting high school crushes to a soulmate connection.

In a tapestry of psychedelic bass riffs and wavy synths, Carson’s self-reflection reveals that all along the one he wanted to know was himself.

The album features the track ‘Night Drive’, which shimmers with radiating synth melodies, catchy instrumental hooks and vibrant vocals from Carson Hoy.

‘Night Drive’ also exudes anthemic qualities as the arrangement, tempo and feelings within each verse keep us captivated throughout this stirring song.

