‘Nothing Belongs To Us’ begins with a delightful melodic intro, which then perfectly blends with beautiful vocals from Poli Nika

Poli Nika is an independent singer-songwriter, who craft songs that music journalists have described as “enchanting with its magic – as if the songs stepped off the screen of a beloved classic Disney film.”

She blends vintage piano tones with acoustic guitar and subtle synth layers – imagine the soulfulness of Yebba and the vulnerability of Lizzy McAlpine.

‘Nothing Belongs To Us’ begins with a delightful melodic intro, which then perfectly blends with beautiful vocals from Poli Nika.

‘Nothing Belongs To Us’ radiates with magical vibes as the Portuguese artist demonstrates her first class talent as lyricist and vocalist extraordinaire.

The track began as a deeply personal birthday gift for Poli Nika’s boyfriend and what started as an intimate musical present evolved into a fully-produced single that captures the essence of finding home in someone else despite life’s impermanence.

