Octavia unleashes fiery new single ‘9 TO 5’.

Octavia is back with a bang, announcing the release of her fiery new single, ‘9 TO 5,’ set to hit the airwaves on June 21st. This track is a raw, unfiltered anthem that captures the spirit of rebellion and the power of standing up against the status quo. The heavy, distorted riff draws listeners into a sonic experience filled with potent emotions and powerful lyrics from the moment it breaks through the speakers. The bassline’s warmth and the drums’ steady pounding create a perfect backdrop for Octavia’s electrifying voice.

Reflecting on the discovery of 9 to 5 Octavia shares,  “Five years ago, amidst the confines of my college dorm room I penned the lyrics to this song. At the time, I found myself immersed in the music of Nirvana; their raw energy sparked a creative fire within me. As graduation approached, with the looming prospect of entering the conventional workforce, a wave of resistance surged through me. Thus, ‘9 to 5’ was born—a melodic rebellion against conformity and a testament to the refusal to succumb to the status quo.”


Octavia’s journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. After making her debut earlier this year, she has quickly carved out a niche for herself with her powerful and emotive music. Her past struggles with mental health and substance abuse have deeply influenced her songwriting, adding layers of authenticity to her work. Having conquered her demons in 2023, Octavia now channels her experiences into creating music that resonates with fans and critics alike. Influenced by ’90s grunge and alternative rock, her sound is a modern twist on a beloved era, inviting listeners to join her on a journey of self-discovery and rebellion.