Aaron Maine has been around as Porches for a good while now, but made the breakthrough to public consciousness last year with Pool, his first album for Domino. Now he has given us a new song called ‘Country‘, giving a glimpse of what’s to come on his next record, which is likely to come out early in 2018.
‘Country‘ is quite a stark contrast to the beats-led jams of Pool, as it glides by on soft-focus synths with Maine’s voice sounding more delicate than ever. He has written a little note accompanying the release of the song, which says “it’s the last song i wrote for my new album in the context of the record it acts as a departure as well as an arrival.”
The track arrives with a video, which features Maine in the back of a pick up truck heading out into the titular ‘Country‘ of upstate New York, where he grew up. Stick around to the end to see a very Twin Peaks twist in its final moments. Watch below.
The video was co-directed by Maine and Nick Harwood. Maine also shared a poem “about what the song means”:
mini reckoning
Like flopping onto bed after first kiss high school
I left her apartment and made sure to keep the sleep on me all the way home
Rolled down the window across the bridge
And filled up my lungs
She told me about this saying about breaking the water to get somewhere
and i imagined what it would be like to swim together
I felt soft and dumb like a country song