While originally making her mark in her hometown of Oregon in recent years, emerging artist Sara Jackson-Holman recently relocated to LA where she has reinvented herself as a bold and vibrant songstress, and now returns with the huge ‘Beep Beep Bitch’.
Taking cues from the pounding beats of the hip-hop scene, ‘Beep Beep Bitch’ is simply unforgettable from start to finish. Produced by Stefan Macarewich, her newest gem is one half sweeping pop and one half uncompromising attitude that reflects her own powerful persona.
Speaking about the track, she said, “Beep Beep Bitch is one of 3 singles centered around self and ego—whereas much of what I’ve written has been more about how I define myself in relation to others. It’s an irreverent, petty ode to letting go of those who are intent on misunderstanding you. I have always cared so much about how I come across, what I say, second guessing myself constantly. There has always been something illicit, irreverent, and taboo about hip hop and pop— articulating a confidence with such naked ego (and willingness to offend) that felt completely inaccessible to me personally. I have been so often moved to tears, with what I can only imagine is catharsis, hearing someone own their egoic impulses without qualification. I have long felt that I could be freer to say what I’d like if I was writing for someone else. Or under a pseudonym. In an exercise to try to find out what I’d have to do in order to feel comfortable writing the kind of pop songs I wanted to write, I went as far as thinking I’d have a concept project, in which someone lip synced and was the face of my music. Someone who I thought could embody what I was saying better than I myself could. While it might be true that someone could do these songs more justice than me, I’m glad I settled on releasing them under my name. These songs are a practice in surrendering how others might perceive me in service of giving myself more flexibility to explore my range as a songwriter.”