Singer-songwriter Gary Hempsey releases quirky new single ‘Ganja Gnomes’

Singer-songwriter Gary Hempsey shares his latest single ‘Ganja Gnomes’. Utilising a bluegrass-come-americana/folk soundscape, the track showcases Gary’s musical ability along with his whimsical imagination.

The warm mix of acoustic guitar, fiddles and foot-tapping drum lines act as the perfect framing for Gary Hempsey’s surreal lyricism. The track is about Gary’s garden gnomes, apparently long-time inhabitants of his garden and also party animals that spend their time cultivating cannabis. The track has a charming element to it that drags you into Gary’s world, bringing a simle to your face upon each listen. 

The accompanying video gives us a further glips into Gary Hempsey’s imagination, split between depictions of gnomes having a party in the garden and an explosion of colour and phycadelic animations that provides just as much intrigue as the track. Overall the track is a celebration of Gary’s wild imagination as well as of weed itself, but more than that, it’s light hearted great fun, an unlikely yet no less potent potential stoner anthem. 

