STR^NGE unveil dark and raw ‘Timestuck’

A four-piece formed of Chrissy, James, David and Leon, STR^NGE have made a name for themselves selling out hometown shows at The Jacaranda and The Kazimier in Liverpool. Acclaimed by indie press, their recorded music clearly shows the same energy, their poignant, developing sound creating a ripple of buzz.

Opening with the softness, yet eery atmosphere of a repeating piano note, STR^NGE’s latest single is ‘Timestuck’, a track transforming from a gentle, narrative ballad into a vast melting pot of nostalgia, psychedelia and momentous writing. The soaring of strange arrangements, a gripping mix of dark brass, strings and pained vocals make for a raw performance that steadily, methodically, and uncaringly rips out your heart.

There are elements of exuberance, of fun, from the band, contrasted with a deep struggle and constantly evolving emotional soundscape. With a new sound explored across the track, the 70s-tinge is evident, but nonetheless an exciting look into the future of STR^NGE.

The band add, “‘Timestuck’ is an attempt to capture a feeling of desperation and futility both in love and in general existence. It was written during a period in life where there was that fear of time and panic at existence which coincides with a major change. It’s hard to express the connection that love has with ontological angst, and trying to fit both topics into one song was half a struggle but hopefully it does communicate the relationship between the two to the listener.”

Listen to ‘Timestuck’ here!