Sudxn unveils high-octane of ‘The Juicy Era’

Born and raised within the vibrance of Brooklyn, Sudxn is a Nigerian-American artist, nicknamed Yorubaddie, whose unique hip-hop, house and Afro-fusion has begun to build an audience. As a singer, rapper and songwriter, she seamlessly blends her favourite styles into a unique new sound, pushing the boundaries of not only her artistry but also pioneering on a wider scale.

Energetic from start to finish, Sudxn’s new EP, ‘The Juicy Era’, is a standout listen in her discography. The pulsating house pump and ethereal synth design are powered up with high-octane rap performances, Sudxn, coming at the listen hard and fast. Percussive sounds are further shot to the stratosphere with bouncy Afro-rhythms. If there were ever a definition of earworm, this danceable five-track does all it can to weave its way into your mind, the versatility coming into its own like never before in Sudxn’s discography.

Sudxn shares what the release meant to her, “The Juicy Era was about discovering myself and falling in love with the process. Despite what my inner critics or even outside critics have to say.”

‘The Juicy Era’ is out now, check it out here: