Released back in the Summer as part of their “Brutalism” EP, “Nostalgia” gets an adorable visual treatment with the help of animator Melissa Stoakes. The animated loop depicts Ben Beamish and Jeremy Beamish (The Beamish Brothers) sitting on the edge of a building, identifiable by its brutalist architecture, watching a film that’s being projected onto the night sky.
Stoakes has hand-drawn a set of animations that reflect the ideas and sentiments explored in the song’s lyrics. Moreover, the track’s relaxed, vintage elements and lo-fi filters translate visually through the unique sketches that relay the song’s ponderous atmosphere. Old-fashioned devices morph into one another through a series of connected events, telling a story that nicely compliments the track’s theme of old vs new love; “call me old fashioned but I’m still catching up.”
Be sure to watch the full animation loop below: