Tyrin Releases New Indie Pop Track ‘What It Feels Like’

Tyrin is an indie-pop sensation from the US that is churning out really high quality music at the moment. New release ‘What It Feels Like’ is the perfect example of a modern day indie track – fusing the likes of hip-hop and pop-punk and delivering a really strong narrative throughout. The popular chorus sounds on guitar makes it the perfect song to release at this time of the year too, while the sun is still shining.

Tyrin uses a catchy chorus and a very funky bassline throughout to keep the ears entertained while he delivers a beautiful vocal mix on top, not to mention the backing vocals which sound sublime – adding another instrumental level to the track. The dry acoustic introduction in the breakdown feels like the perfect resting point before the final chorus. A well-written track with spot on production to boot!

On the song, Tyrin says:

“I remember that day really wanting to write something that had a joyful feeling to it but at the same time have that joyfulness seem a little hesitant. I knew I wanted the music to have the bouncy happy-go-lucky vibe to it and the lyrics feel like ‘I think this is love but I don’t know if this is love.'”

Be sure to check out the track below and go follow Tyrin on his journey!