Teaming up with a mesmerizing Swedish vocalist possessing an angelic voice, is Dominic Bugatti, one of the UK’s most outstanding songwriters. His collaboration with Ann Winsborn, their new single ‘Same Old Missing You’ epitomizes pop perfection, delivering three minutes of sheer elegance – its infectious, alluring, and overflowing with musical prowess. Let’s welcome Dominic to Music Crowns, who was kind enough to be interviewed here.
Welcome Dominic Bugatti! Congratulations on the stunning new song with Ann. We love Magic Carpet too.
Thank you! It’s great to receive such positive feedback. 
What drew you to Ann? Were you a fan of hers before you collaborated?

Ann is a Swedish singing star who is not so well known in the UK and US, having had a lot of her success across Europe,. I’m in producer groups on Facebook and started hearing her recent Swedish releases.

I’ve worked for big stars like Cher, Sheena Easton, Sister Sledge etc and I’m thinking ’this artist has the lot’, She has a special voice, writing talent and a great look (look out, Scarlett Johansson!).
One of her releases particularly caught my attention, and I wrote an English lyric for it, called Way To Go.
I also co-produced the English  version and that was my first experience of working with Ann. It all went very smoothly and we realised we shared a similar sense of humour, too!
How is it to work with her? And did you get together in the studio or was it remote as it often is nowadays?

I’ve done a lot of mentoring of up and coming artists, which I really enjoy, but I must say it’s great to work with an experienced professional like Ann. It makes subtle changes so much easier. She gets it straight away and understands without too much messing around… but we always have time for a laugh!

She recorded her vocal for ’Same Old Missing You’ remotely, as did Pete Whitfield for his real strings (his CV includes artists like Kylie Minogue and Kanye West). The harmonies were recorded by a favourite of mine for backing vocals, Emily Lynn.
Do you have to be in a certain mood to write a song?

I find that song creation dictates to me, rather than the other way round! I never know when it will start flowing. In the middle of an otherwise mundane day, I’ll suddenly have an idea for a song and have to follow it through. Talking of mundane, my favourite line in ’Same Old Missing You’ is probably this one, because it’s so real: ‘Before I know it, yeah, I’ve made ab extra coffee. It’s a shame to pour it down the sink’. I think it’s the kind of dumb detail that will cross someone’s mind, when they’re in the middle of a major emotional crisis. I guess it also ties in with the ‘same old, same old’ theme of the lyric

Some people are comparing the track to ABBA, are you an ABBA fan?
I am, but I didn’t have their music in mind when I wrote ’Same Old Missing You’. My influences from that era are more likely to be The Beatles and Prince, I would say. But as soon as Ann’s voice went on with that sound and a hint of a Swedish accent, some comparisons were bound to be made with ABBA, I think. I don’t mind at all, though, it all adds to the fun of this unusual collaboration!
And finally, for such a prolific and successful songwriter, what are your top tips for aspiring songwriters in the industry?

I don’t believe in the idea of ‘Writer’s Block’ and would advise writers against falling back on it as an excuse. There are ideas all around us. Switch on the TV, go to a café and listen to the conversations, It’s all there. Above all, don’t sit staring at a blank piece of paper! Get out and live a life and then write about it.

Check out Dominic’s amazing hit songs:
Stream it now. Available on all major DSP’s, including Spotify HERE
Follow Dominic on Instagram HERE
Follow Ann on Instagram HERE