‘Y’ sees Lepani deliver a soulful vocal performance with verses that perfectly compliment the vibrant instrumental hooks throughout

Lepani originally hails from Fiji, but grew up in New Zealand and recently moved to Manchester, England.

Lepani has gathered a wide range of artistic inspirations, creating an eclectic pop sound for himself – writing, producing and performing his own songs.

He dives deep into the themes of the heart and what it means to be human.

Lepani has written and performed with artists and producers such as Stan Walker, Rob Ruha, Kaylee Bell, Nirob Islam, Marley Sola and more.

He writes and produces his own songs and was previously signed with a record label but is currently independent.

‘Y’ begins with a delightful intro before switching over to more of a fast paced and catchier vibe.

The track sees Lepani deliver a soulful and lively vocal performance with verses that perfectly compliment the vibrant instrumental hooks throughout.

The song was chosen by his Instagram followers, as Lepani participated in a 30 day song-writing challenge in January, Y being the song written on day 5 which people connected with the most, and helped decide that it would be his first release of the year.

Lepani also completed a diploma in film many years ago, but ended up in the music scene, so still love filmings, creating and planning videos, which is why he loved creating the visualiser for the track.

