Ayar & Rageouz Debut Collaborative Project ‘Authentape’ | New Music


London Hip-Hop artists Ayar and Rageouz have joined forces in 2014 to bring to you their debut collaborative project titled ‘Authentape’, which marks the first official release for both artists in over a year.

‘Authentape’ comes on the back of a stellar 2013 for both Ayar and Rageouz which saw Ayar release his sophomore mixtape ‘Good Is Getting Better’ with support from the likes of MTV UK, SBTV, and Flavour Magazine, while Rageouz debuted with his ‘Hells Angel’ mixtape to critical acclaim and rave reviews from UK Rap fans and critics alike.

Taking inspiration from their everyday lives and drawing influences from the 90’s Hip-Hop era, Ayar and Rageouz have created an outstanding body of work, from the soulful mixtape title track “Authentape” produced by New York beatsmith Zoe Supreme to stand-out tracks such as the Wonda-produced “Ambiance”, “Perved” featuring Soulpreacher and the thought-provoking “Voices”.

Laced from top to bottom with lyrical dexterity, infectious rap flows, honest song-writing and storytelling, and an authenticity from both Ayar and Rageouz that is hardly seen in UK Hip Hop music today, ‘Authentape’ is a breath of fresh air for UK Hip Hop fans and audiences in more ways than one.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/35611532″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Download: Ayar & Rageouz – Authentape