Donald Glover, aka Childish Gambino, made an appearance at last night’s Emmy Awards as the character Teddy Perkins from his hit show Atlanta.
Check out the footage posted on Twitter below.
Donald Glover (or some body double, but let’s pretend) dressed up as Teddy Perkins at the #Emmys
— Complex (@Complex) September 18, 2018
If Donald & LaKeith we’re both at the Emmy’s, who tf went as Teddy Perkins ?
— A Boogie (@MetroBoolinn__) September 18, 2018
Donald Glover totally dressed like Teddy Perkins to get that award smh my mans deserved that ?
— Elise Swopes (@Swopes) September 18, 2018
For those unfamiliar with the evil character, who is played by Glover himself, he made his debut during one of the most talked about episodes of the series earlier this year.
Revealing what to expect from season 3 of Atlanta, Glover has compared it to Kanye West’s Graduation.
“I align the seasons, I think, to me, like Kanye records,” he said. “I feel like this is our ‘Graduation’. This is probably our most accessible but also the realest – an honest version of it – and I feel like the most enjoyable, like the third album.”