Chris D’Lima single ‘Decisions’ due for release


Multi-talented artist unveils new track before it goes on sale Feb 9th 2015

A multi-talented London based musician offering more than meets the eye, Chris D’Lima is an artist whose catchy guitar riffs match with layered vocals to give him a sound all of his own.

His new song, ‘Decisions’, is written about having to make a decision which you would rather run from, but being forced to choose anyway. In your mind there might be a simple solution, but when the time comes to make the decision it’s not as straightforward as you thought. It’s a situation anyone can relate to, captured brilliantly in delicate, heartfelt lyrics which are complimented by a solid funk groove – quite an achievement for his very first single release.

You can listen to the song and see for yourself here:

Produced by Resonant Music, a company who have been linked with Emeli Sande’s management team, it’s a single that the multi-skilled songwriter hopes will open new doors in the music industry. And those doors might just already be wedged open already.

Having completed a Mathematics and Statistics Degree at The University of Leeds, as well as growing up learning the cello, Chris D’Lima’s music is written with the details in mind. With an ear for classical compositions, and an eye for formulas that work to create more than the sum of their parts, his background gives D’Lima a slightly unusual perspective on song writing as a process.

His writing is also heavily influenced by his time as a teenager, playing in funk rock bands since the age of fourteen, which may go some way to explaining why his sound already sounds mature on this debut single.

He doesn’t write to fashion, to fit in with what’s popular right now – he writes music he wants to hear. And it’s clearly something that others like too.

He’s performed 150 gigs in past two-and-a-half years, with venues including the London Astoria, Clapham Grand and Islington O2 Academy. In addition, his YouTube channel of cover songs has over 500,000 views to date. It’s success that has brought the attention of scouts from X-Factor and Britain’s Got Talent, but he has turned them down more than 10 times in the past 3 years, preferring to make his own way.

Instead he mixes work as a maths tutor (the maths degree put to good use) with work as a freelance model. As we said before – a multi-talented London based musician offering more than meets the eye.

It’s said hard work and dedication is what it takes to make it as an artist in the music industry. If that’s the case, Chris D’Lima is already on his way.
