Jean-Michel Jarre launched us into 2021 with a groundbreaking live performance from a virtual reality Notre Dame cathedral. The show, that combined life-like concert visuals in Virtual Reality with a real live studio performance, introduced a mixed-media approach that was the first of its kind. It attracted a staggering audience of over 75 million viewers globally, a historic achievement that saw Jarre top the Pollstar chart for live streams, out-performing the entire top 10 combined.
Now, Jarre has announced that his NYE live performance, which included tracks from his recent Grammy-nominated opus ‘Electronica’ and new reworked versions of his classics ‘Oxygène’ and ‘Equinoxe’, will be released in physical formats including vinyl and a CD plus Blu-ray box set. The latter will include the full concert, along with a MasterClass with Jarre, in which he reveals the secrets behind putting on such an ambitious spectacle. Viewers will also have access to a behind-the-scenes video, capturing the final hours leading up to the performance.
Additionally, a newly produced Binaural version of the performance will be available across DPS and digital download, a 3D ‘spatial’ audio mix bringing a new dimension of sound to listeners on headphones.
Jean-Michel Jarre said: “The world was in lockdown, we were all living in isolation, confined to our homes which became the central hub of our lives and the only space we had to maintain some form of normality. Where work, family, love, leisure and play was all contained inside those four walls. We shared and interacted with the ‘outside’ world via our screens. As a musician, performer and creator of concert events, like all my peers, I needed to create, to perform and share, that’s the only vocation I know…”
Jarre continues: “A world heritage monument, familiar to the masses, seemed to me an ideal landmark to set the scene. Notre Dame in Paris is one of the most visited sites for tourists across the globe – it seemed a perfect setting for a New Year’s Eve invitation to travel and celebrate…even if it was just virtually. I designed the concert in 3D virtual reality but constructed the entire project to share via all possible media available, the VR experience was expanded to a traditional broadcast which could be live-streamed on social media platforms, global TV networks and radio – whoever wanted to join us was welcome…and they did!”
‘Welcome To The Other Side’ will be available on vinyl and CD plus Blu-ray format on 10th September, with the new Binaural audio version of the concert released on 10th October across DSPs and digital download.