Rise Up: Stormzy’s first book is out today

Stormzy has made his writing debut – with his first book being released today.

‘Rise Up’ chronicles the rise of the grime artist, a motivational story about chasing your dreams without compromising your identity by remembering where you came from.

The book features previously unreleased lyrics and photos from the artist.

Speaking of his first writing endeavour, Stormzy said: “When I was in school I fell in love with literature and looking back it’s safe to say that this was the start of a life-long journey with words, poetry and writing. I read books religiously and often wrote poems which were undeniably setting me up for a career as a songwriter and a rapper.

The artist went on to speak about the launch of #Merky books – a platform for publishing young writers: “We’ve created #Merky Books for many reasons, the first simply for it to be a reference point for talented young writers to say ‘I can be an author’ and for that to be a feasible and realistic achievement and not something in the distance.  

“We hope this imprint will instill belief and ambition in young writers, making publishing seem less prohibitive and making the dream of being a published author a reality. We want #Merky Books to be a source of confidence and I look forward to publishing writers from all different walks of life, especially those who may have never had the opportunity to get into the industry so early.”