“Super Hans” A fictional middle aged verbally direct drugged addicted dance musician from Peepshow. “NO”
“Super Hans” – A 21 year old Asian American musician stage named “Hans Korn” – “YES”
Hans Was born and raised in Arlington, Virginia, grew up in Aliso Viejo, California with a short stint in Las Vegas, before completing Middle School & High School between Philippines, Vegas & Thailand, changing more schools than a disobedient adolescent.
Hans is a pure guitarist focusing all of his determination on his riffs, melodies and feeling. His funky style is unique as he mixes the modern day with a classic touch, being heavily influenced by many artists, such as Stevie Ray Vaughan, John Mayer, Jimi Hendrix, BB King, Albert Collins, Ray Charles, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Prince and classic computer games such as Zelda, Mario & Final Fantasy. Although Mr Korn renditions and improvises his own versions of many songs from his idols, he is currently working on some original songs which hope to be finished by the summer. He generally works solo most of the time, but enjoys jamming with a band more.
“For me personally I think Hans would make a great lead guitarist, driving a band forward with some outrageous guitar solos”
Here you can see Hans in action firstly jamming out to “Voodoo Child”…:
[youtube id=”VtNOnamMARM” width=”600″ height=”350″]
And going a bit mental with a Funky riff freestyle that he just came up with on the spot…:
[youtube id=”Ih6dudNVgF4″ width=”600″ height=”350″]
For more videos, songs and info please check out Hans’ and subscribe to his…:
Soundcloud page and YouTube Channel
I took a few minutes to interview Hans… Well more than a few minutes…
(all questions are answered given are exactly as Hans replied)
1. Why and when did you start playing?
I started seriously playing the guitar when I was around 15-16 years old. One morning, I just felt I need to express myself through some form of communication other than words, but didn’t know how. One day, my friend brought his guitar with him to my house. Usually, we play video games whenever they come over, but that day, I just left the game alone and kept on playing with the guitar even if I didn’t know how. It just felt right. There was some sort of sense of accomplishment. I didn’t get sick of playing it, like I couldn’t put it down, like I was getting somewhere with it, making progress. I was enjoying it more than the video game.
2. Is your family musical?
– My father plays the keyboard. He’s actually the person who’s been guiding me throughout my musical journey thus far. He doesn’t actually help me with the entire process, like how to do each specific part (how to play a lick or riff), but he steers me in the right direction. In his teenage years, he was band mates with Lek Carabao, guitar player for a well-known band in Thailand called Carabao.
3. If you could choose to duet with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
– That’s a tough one. I would want to jam with Prince. He’s a multi-instrumentalist and a musical genius. He is my ideal image of what a musician should be like and what I’d like to become
4. What is your favourite location in the world, that you would like to play a concert?
– I’ve always dreamed about playing a concert on a beautiful white sand beach overlooking the gleaming seaside horizon as the sun set.
5. Where does the inspiration come for your hair-styles?
– American pop culture icons from the 50s such as James Dean and Elvis Presley. Sometimes I check out hairstyles worn by Prince and Michael Jackson, but I’ll never get close. My hair type is too different.
6. Is Elvis really dead?
– Physically, yes. He has departed from this world, but he’ll live on forever through his works.
7. If you could choose sex or music for the rest of your life, which would it be? why?
8. What is the most embarrassing moment in your life?
– It probably would have been answering number 7.
9. McDonalds, KFC or Burger King?– It probably would have been answering number 7.
– In n’ Out Burgers!
10. Have you ever been seen naked in Public? Be more specific if so…
– I’ve never been “SEEN” naked in public.
Hans is now living in Philippines, working on his pre-med course, which is in Physical Therapy. He’s currently in his 3rd year. His main plan right now is to finish med school. Once He earns his degree, he’ll move back to the USA and work as a doctor considering specializing in neurology and maybe even try to become a neurosurgeon. Hans will forever continue to write music and play guitar as his passion, looking for his big break.