Vortex Ascent

Sarah K Panton

Vortex Ascent (formerly Soki2u) was founded in 2006 by Brendan Lynch and Derek Schuurman as a studio-based and fluid, experimental collective of independent, solo musicians based in various countries around the world. Each musician records his or her own material independently and for the most part, tracks are produced in London.

Their albums have received excellent reviews, notably by the highly regarded Indie-Music.com.

Several of their tracks held the number 1 slot on a variety of unsigned charts in the UK and in Japan.

Their output, which spans many genres, has scooped awards such as Bands Unsigned UK’s only Platinum Award for our concept EP ‘Vortex’ (2007), and more recently, Sygnet’s excellent track ‘Did You See’ won the Sunset 2012 Critic’s Choice Award from Ditto TV.

They have worked with a variety of accomplished artists in other disciplines, such as poet Inua Ellams and digital artist Chris Von Steiner, as well as French film-maker Stephane Floc’hlay.

Radio stations which have been particularly supportive of their work include Suckfree Radio, Women of Substance and Radio North Angus, as well as Somojo Music Radio and Magazine.

Their 2013 album ‘Shine a Light’ is produced by Andy Rugg, who for many years was on the engineering team of Coldplay, with Brendan Lynch having co-produced some of the tracks.

‘After’ by digital artist Chris Von Steiner.

[youtube id=”WgaCA54Nzv0″ width=”600″ height=”350″]

Twitter: @VortexAscent
Website: https://vortexascent.tumblr.com