James Corden traded the Carpool Karaoke driving seat last week for a New York Subway carriage with Shaggy and Sting.
The Late Late Show segment saw Corden and his musical companions kick things off with The Police‘s ‘Every Breath You Take‘ before being abruptly shut down by another passenger. Moving on down the train they found a new spot to continue their musical madness singing Shaggy’s ‘It Wasn’t Me‘ – but leaving onlookers, shall we say, less than impressed. The trio tries one more number before a builder squares up to Corden and punches him in the face. The clip ends with Corden nursing a bloody nose and all three of them looking very sheepish. “Who’s stupid idea was this?” Sting says, to which Shaggy replies: “It wasn’t me.” Watch the hilarious clip below.
Back in December James Corden tried his hand at dancing stepping in to be one of Taylor Swift‘s backup dancers. Corden showed up in a fishnet shirt to help out stating: “I’ll slot right in, problem solved“. Watch that here.