PREMIERE: MORGANA transcends into a new era of pop with ‘YMi2’

MORGANA defines a new age and maybe an entirely new era of pop altogether. A pioneering digital/AI artist first and foremost, she delves into the invigorating world of electronic music, premiering at Music Crowns.

We simply had to listen to MORGANA as her offering is fascinating and lures you in without hesitation. She has the look and sound of a modern day pop star, and her stirring new single ‘YMi2’ holds all the ingredients for a 2023 hit. Pounding synths and beats sit behind MORGANA’s sexy and charismatic vocals, with those pop hooks that we all crave in our everyday lives.

Reminiscent of pop icon RAYE in her sonics, MORGANA takes you to another world and space with her music, feeling like you are right there with her. Her personality shines through in this track, and with this only being her third single, we cannot wait for what else is to come.

MORGANA is literally extraordinary, and she is compelling from the first second. ‘YMi2’ showcases her full potential, in this fierce, fiery and pulsating electro-pop banger that you simply have to get your ears around.

Check it out now:
