Terms and Conditions
I certify that I am the rights holder for this video, or that I have the express permission of the rights holder to submit this video to MUSIC CROWNS (MC) for publishing on MC web properties.
Music Crowns Content
Music Crowns holds the rights to any video that is created by us and will have express permission to use the content across our website, all of our social channels and across our entire network at our own discretion.
Content Release Dates
Unless a specific release date is requested well in advance, I understand that Music Crowns will publish the recorded content at a time and date of their choosing, in accordance with their own content schedule.
M.C Sessions Content Approval
As a courtesy, Music Crowns will send a final version of the content in question to the participant and third parties before it is released but holds the rights to publish content without approval if it is not given in time.
Video Publishing Acknowledgement
I understand that the video I am submitting may be published to MC web properties, co-owned, partner and monetised properties including, but not limited to, YouTube, MUSICCROWNS.org, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, NFTs and any other avenues of promotion, as determined by MC according to the terms of this agreement, which I have read and agree to. I also agree Music Crowns may edit my video for best results.
Termination Clause
I understand that participation in the MC video system is at will and you agree that this license may only be terminated by mutual agreement between all the parties.
Content Featuring Minors
In accordance with our child protection policy, we will not permit photographs, video or other images of young people to be taken without the consent of the child or the parent if the child is under 16.
Music Crowns will take all steps to ensure these images are used solely for the purposes they are intended. If you become aware that these images are being used inappropriately you should inform Music Crowns immediately.
Music Crowns will ensure that all advertising that appears on the same page as content featuring a minor will be deemed appropriate to do so.