How to make the perfect Spotify playlist for a cannabis vaping session

Music Crowns

Marijuana is becoming more and more mainstream which has resulted in people finding innovative ways to consume the popular plant. For those who don’t want to smoke cannabis, don’t worry because smoking is no longer the only option. Now, you can vape cannabis, which is the new popular way to consume the herb. When it comes to having a cannabis vaping session, what could be better than combining your session with some great music? By creating the perfect Spotify playlist for your next vaping session, you can enjoy tunes that fit the mood perfectly. Keep reading to learn how to create the perfect Spotify playlist for a cannabis vaping session.

Choose the Right Genres

The very first step to creating the perfect Spotify playlist for your cannabis vaping session is to choose the right genres of music. When it comes to this step, there are no rules at play; however, some genres tend to go down better with a cannabis session than others. For example, electric music and hip hop typically have a slow and steady beat that can help relax the mind and body of the consumer when using their favorite consumption devices, like the ones found on MagicVaporizers, while on the other hand, pop or rock music is more upbeat, which is ideal for consumers who want to get up and have a dance. 

Consider the Mood

When choosing your playlist, it is important to consider the mood you want to create with it. If you are looking to relax, unwind, and create a relaxing mood, you might want to opt for songs that are mellower and have soothing lyrics. On the other hand, if you are in search of getting energized and motivated, you might want to choose songs that have a faster tempo and lyrics that are more upbeat. Bear in mind that when you consume cannabis, your mood will also be enhanced, so you want to align your mood with the songs perfectly. 

Make Sure the Songs Will Flow Well Together

Another important thing to consider when creating your playlist is to make sure that the songs flow well together. This means that you need to choose songs that have a similar vibe or feel to them. For example, if you start your playlist with some slow and mellow songs, it won’t make much sense to suddenly switch the playlist to songs that are fast-paced and have aggressive lyrics. Instead, you should choose songs that transition smoothly from one to the next. 

Personalize Your Playlist

Last but not least, you want to make sure you personalize your playlist so that it reflects your taste in music. By doing this, you will be sure to enjoy listening to the music while you are vaping your cannabis. To personalize your playlist, simply add your favorite songs or artists to the playlist. You can also browse through Spotify’s extensive library of pre-made playlists for some inspiration if you need it. And don’t forget to visit Vapo Vapes website for more vaping-related information and products.


Once you have created your perfect Spotify playlist for cannabis vaping, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy. There are also other elements that you can add to your session to enhance the atmosphere. For one, you can play around with lighting to find the perfect lighting for your session. Lighting that goes well with cannabis sessions includes lighting that is dim and soft, such as candlelight or soft lighting. You can also bring in an element of smell with scented candles or incense to enhance the mood. Additionally, you can create soft surroundings with pillows and blankets that you can use to get extra comfortable. With all of these elements in your session, you are sure to have a great time listening to your playlist, vaping your cannabis, and enjoying your time. 

Music and cannabis are like cheese and crackers; they go perfectly together! If you are looking to make the perfect Spotify playlist for your next vaping session, choose the right genres first, then consider the mood you want to create with your playlist. You also need to make sure the songs flow well together and that your playlist is personalized. Lastly, enjoy what you’ve created!