The best video game soundtracks of all time

Video games wouldn’t be where they are today if there weren’t multiple components working together to create the overall end product. And one of those crucial components happens to be music. In short, music and soundtracks are responsible for taking games to the next level, creating true immersion, provoking emotion and a whole lot more. It’s why many soundtracks have gone down in history over the years.

Super Mario Bros

We’re going to start with one of the most recognisable video game soundtracks of all time, and it is, of course, the one attached to the Super Mario Bros series. Created by the legendary Koji Kondo, the Super Mario Bros soundtrack is simple but incredibly effective, and loads of fun games at many larger online slot sites have taken up a similar approach off the back of the Super Mario Bros soundtrack, which makes sense. Music and sound effects effortlessly combine in this one, and it rings true across all Super Mario releases in the main because it’s precisely what gamers want to hear.

The Legend of Zelda

How could we devise a list of the best video game soundtracks of all time and not include The Legend of Zelda? Again, this is another composition by one of the most renowned Japanese composers, soundtrack icon Koji Kondo. In this one, the range of music expands from being beat-driven with a bit of music into something completely new. When you’re playing games from the hit Legend of Zelda series, it’s akin to listening to an orchestra because of all the instruments involved. This soundtrack, in particular, marries up with the gameplay perfectly, and we’re yet to see others do it better.


Tetris, from the late 1980s and through the 90s, was one of the must-play games, and you could also say it was one of the first titles to use music in a way that it focused players on the task at hand. Believe it or not, the game’s actual dedicated song came from Russian folk music and is a track known as Korobeiniki. But, it did, of course, become huge off the back of being included in Tetris and has since been lovingly renamed “The Tetris Song.” And, because the song became so popular, multiple orchestras have gone on to shape it in their own way, performing it on stage.

Final Fantasy

We end with a soundtrack that a lot of people know and love. It’s the music heard playing across the Final Fantasy series. And the word music is key because this is where everything went from being beat-driven to the opposite end of the scale to being all about actual music. Developed by Nobuo Uematsu, the scores are very much unrivalled as they reflect the action that is taking place, such as when players are doing battle. The soundtracks across the Final Fantasy series have gone on to become somewhat legendary, with people listening to them on streaming platforms and even in concert.