The Evolution of the Concertina Accordion in Irish Music

Concertina Accordion

McNeela Music Review

Update to post: McNeela Music commissioned Music Crowns to cover their Concertina Accordion but after 2 months of requesting payment for a nominal fee, the company cited in-house process issues as to the reason why they haven’t paid. Music Crowns has a policy of payment upfront because of these kind of problems and despite this, executed the job in good faith that after 24-48 hrs the bill would be paid, as agreed by their representative (on several occasions).

After umpteen emails, social media contacts, ZenDesk enquiries and telephone calls (where nobody answered) we left a review on TrustPilot. The review was contested by McNeela Music but due to the cacophony of evidence, TrustPilot published the review and it sits proudly below.

McNeela Music TrustPilot

Read full review here:

Several opportunities and chances to right the wrong was given to McNeela Music but they have chosen not to seize these.

Given the insignificant amount of money it’s not only disappointing but baffling as to why they didn’t honour the deal.

If someone from McNeela Music wants to correct this they can reach out on