Using music as a background for reading: pros and cons

Listening to music while studying is a common thing nowadays. We mostly see the younger generations listening to music while they learn, such as Millennials or Generation Z. Music can give meaning to your life, can take you high, or just make the suffering more intense.

But these highly depend on the moment you listen to music and especially to what genre of music you listen to. Because the younger generations have grown up with technology, they might feel uncomfortable learning in complete silence. But is it a good or bad thing to read with background music? Read more to find out the pros and cons.


Listening to Music is a Form of Therapy

College life is a challenging one. Students need to juggle between their personal and academic lives and find a balance. However, this is not something easy to do. When you are young, you want to have fun, make friends, and travel. But at the same time, getting an education will help you develop your skills and gather more knowledge for your future career.

Essay writing might be among the activities that turn out to be the most stressful for students. This is especially the case for those who do not have any writing skills and need to invest more time and resources. The perspective students have on the challenges they encounter is important.

However, college life is associated with anxiety, depression, burnout, and intense negative feelings. And music can ameliorate the symptoms of these, symptoms that can slow the learning process. Music boosts your mood and contributes to your wellbeing. And a positive outlook on life is important for any student, as positive thinking will help them overcome any obstacle. Especially anxiety related to exams.

Music Improves Your Performance

If it is beneficial to listen to music while reading has drawn the attention of researchers. Many studies confirm that listening to music can indeed improve your performance. However, the genre of music you listen to has an impact on this. Scientists say that the techniques used about 200 years ago by composers to create music are the best for your brain. Listening to classical music while reading can boost your performance, as it is thought that it helps your brain organise the incoming information.

Being performant while being a student is important as sometimes the volume of tasks and essays they have to write is huge. So, it is important to be as efficient as possible and use your time wisely. It turns out, listening to music while reading can help you do this.


It Affects Your Writing

One of the dangers that come when listening to music while reading or writing an essay is the choice of music. While some genres of music can indeed boost your skills and mood, others can have the opposite effect. When reading, writing an assignment, or just studying, it is advised to choose music without lyrics. Our brains are naturally wired to pay attention to words and music with lyrics can easily distract you. A poor focus will limit your brain’s power to gain knowledge. And this might lead to poor writing skills and missed deadlines. If you find yourself in this position, a team of professional writers from can help you overcome this challenge. They are ready anytime to support you. Music can enhance your reading skills, but it can also have a negative influence.

It May Lead to Lower Productivity

Music can have positive effects on your reading, writing, and studying skills. However, many students make poor choices when it comes to the genre of music they should listen to while reading. Because they choose a type of music that is too stimulant for their brains, they will have a difficult time finding their flow.

The brain will juggle between the stimuli it is exposed to, such as the lyrics, the beat, and so on. This means that students will be less productive and this might lead to missed deadlines.


Listening to music while reading, writing, or learning has its pros and cons. Choosing a music genre without lyrics and sudden beat changes will enhance your reading skills. At the same time, electronic and classical music can boost your mood and give you a more positive experience. However, sometimes using music as a background for reading can prevent you from finding your focus. Thus, your productivity levels are affected too. So, it highly depends on you and your choices if music will have a positive or negative effect on your reading and learning.